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Package version constraints

  • How does Composer download the right files? When you specify a dependency in composer.json, Composer first takes the name of the package that you have requested and searches for it in any repositories that you have registered using the repositories key. If you have not registered any extra repositories, or it does not find a package with that name in the repositories you have specified, it falls back to Packagist.org (more below).

    When Composer finds the right package, either in Packagist.org or in a repo you have specified, it then uses the versioning features of the package's VCS (i.e., branches and tags) to attempt to find the best match for the version constraint you have specified. Be sure to read about versions and package resolution in the versions article.

    Note: If you are trying to require a package but Composer throws an error regarding package stability, the version you have specified may not meet your default minimum stability requirements. By default, only stable releases are taken into consideration when searching for valid package versions in your VCS.

    You might run into this if you are trying to require dev, alpha, beta, or RC versions of a package. Read more about stability flags and the minimum-stability key on the schema page.

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